DSx Client: How to Manage 3D EXPERIENCE Accounts

As the Admin Portal and Customer Portal are being migrated to 3D Experience, this guide is for users who want to administer access to downloads and the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base.

 If your company does not have an Admin, CADimensions may need to help set up the account initially, but this is how you handle it from there.

Please see this post for the updated links for Downloads and the Knowledge Base: https://www.cadimensions.com/new-solidworks-download-and-knowledge-base-links/

Certification Vouchers have also been moved. You can find that information here: https://www.solidworks.com/how-to-buy/subscription-service/certification-offer 

Creating and Adding Users in the DSx Client

To administer control over the ability to download, you will need to invite your users to the DSx Client Care Center. To access this, go to the link here: https://dsxclient.3ds.com/

If you cannot log in as the administrator, submit a case to our Technical Support portal. We will assign you or someone on your account as the “security administrator," this role will be explained later in this post. Here’s a link to the case form: https://www.cadimensions.com/contact/support/.

As the Security Administrator Role, Select Main Menu, inside of the drop down, Contact Administration.


This should bring you to your account. Confirm the information about your company. If this is incorrect, let us know, and we will assign you to the proper account. If you do not have the option for Contact Administration, please ensure that the role of Security Administrator is assigned to your login. CADimensions can check your users' roles and assign any as needed.

To add a user to the account, select New Contact.


Fill out all of the user’s information that you can. Some fields are not necessary, but it’s not a bad idea to fill these out for your information. I had a little fun with it. Make sure all of the information is correct before pressing Save! Altering this information may not always be easy.

I’m not going to add this obviously unreal (but really cool and efficient-sounding) person as the current limitation does not allow for the removal of people added. You can Obsolete them, but it’s likely that they will still stay inside your DSx Care Client. See the next step on restricting usage!

Restricting Accounts and Assigning Roles

To restrict usage or “remove” a user, remove all roles assigned to the user’s account. If you can, check the box for Obsolete. This can be done on the contact page. Sometimes, you will get an error message when attempting to do this; that’s okay! Just remove all roles. This will restrict the account. At the current moment, users cannot be deleted or removed from DSx Client Care. As I mentioned, be sure to confirm all details before creating new accounts!

You can return to the main screen for the account by pressing the return symbol at the top or pressing Return at the bottom of the page.

Now, we need to assign a role. I am going to click into one of these accounts here by selecting the Change button on the right. I highlighted that I already have some roles. We will get into the details later.


Inside this new page, you will see a large chart. This tells you a lot of information about the specific roles. From our current cases, we have found mostly that users want the ability to download the software. This requires the minimum level of Support Restricted. Check on the box that applies to the user. If users need to edit the DSx Client Care page, they will need the Security Administrator role.
Explaining Roles

As your VAR, we do not see the same roles as you do, so look inside the change menu, and I will explain the most common roles that are currently useful to customers:

3ds.com Support:

  • This user can log into the forums, make comments, and see posts. Cannot download SOLIDWORKS.

Support Restricted:

  • All of the above abilities are allowed to download SOLIDWORKS.

Support Advanced:

  • All the above abilities can also be used to submit cases on behalf of the company to CADimensions through the 3D Support Portal (future instructions on this tool).

Security Administrator:

  • Everything, including everything shown in this guide. Can edit users, obsolete users, and control accounts.

Assign your users as you wish! We can control this on our end as well. If you are having issues assigning users, let us know, and we will be able to assist.

Some quick final notes: This guide is subject to change as the processes are being finalized. If you update a user’s account, they should log out, clear out their browser cache and cookies (at least for all 3ds/SOLIDWORKS sites), and then log back in.

Not working as it should? 

If things didn’t go as planned when registering your account, please contact CADimensions Technical Support for further assistance.