dyemansion dm60 with cadimensions



Discover the world’s largest color database for 3D-printed parts and highly reproducible dyeing solutions. DyeMansion technology enables practically limitless colorized 3D printed raw parts that are ready for market.

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The Leading Coloring Solution For Industrial Additive Manufacturing

  • Industrial, traceable & automated process
  • DM60 & Add-On Solutions Certified Hardware
  • Largest Color Variety On The Market
  • Special Solutions For Industries Like Automotive & Neon X Colors
  • Certified & Proven Colors For High-End Manufacturing
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Limitless Color Choice

DyeMansion’s groundbreaking DeepDye Coloring (DDC) technology provides a limitless range of color options. DM60 users gain access to the world’s largest color database with over 170 RAL and standardized colors with no additional development or waiting times. Users also gain access to color matching services which creates unique tones from corporate colors, seasonal trends, to specific skin tones.

Unmatched Repeatability

Dyeing 3D printed plastics used to be a labor-intensive process that was hard to replicate with any consistency. DyeMansion changed all that with their global supply of precise color formulations that produce the same exact color every cycle.

Each color cartridge is fabricated with an RFID chip that sends all quality management processes and parameters to the DM60 automatically. This allows for a simpler industrial process with enhanced quality standards and repeatability.

ISO Certified Colors

Biocompatible eyewear, medical orthoses, and light and heat resistant automotive interior industries can benefit from DyeMansion’s ISO-certified colors. The expanded X Colors line is the answer to industry-specific needs with custom solutions for every need.

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More DyeMansion Post Processing Units

Powershot DUAL Performance

Designed specifically for the factory of the future and high-volume manufacturing..

Powerfuse S

VaporFuse Surfacing (VFS) polishing system creates sealed, washable surfaces.

Powershot C

The Powershot C is the industry standard for easy and effective part cleaning.

Powershot X

Efficient. Versatile. Scalable. The PowerShot X is the ultimate all-in-one post-processing solution.